Stay Ahead of the Game in 2023: Exploring the Advancements in AI and Machine Learning Technology
2023 年科技行業發展趨勢(一):人工智能及機器學習

Artificial Intelligence versus Machine Learning

4 min readFeb 6, 2023

人工智能 及 機器學習經常相提併論 ,但機器學習只是人工智能的其中一項分支,涉及演算法及統計。而人工智能則能夠執行通常需要人類智慧的任務,例如視覺感知、語音識別、決策、語言翻譯。

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are two terms that are often used interchangeably, however, they are not the same. Machine Learning is a subset of AI, which deals with the development of algorithms and statistical models that allow computers to learn and improve from experience.

Meanwhile, AI is a broader concept that refers to the ability of machines to perform tasks that require human-like intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation. AI technology is rapidly evolving and has the potential to revolutionize a wide range of industries, including healthcare, finance, and customer service. The development of AI and ML is also leading to new and innovative applications that were previously considered impossible.

2023 年之科技行業發展趨勢 1: 資訊保安及條例法規
Landscape of Information Security and Regulations

在當前經濟中,數據是最有價值的資源,未來的貨幣是數據。 換句話說,數據是企業必須保護的最無價的資源。 AI 和 ML 混合使用令數據處理量以及洩露危險隨之增。 當今企業備份和存儲大量敏感客戶數據,2023 年隱私風險及疑慮大增,企業公司必須了解逐漸成熟的隱私法規,以確保公司營運符合隱私友善原則。

In 2023, the importance of data privacy continues to grow as the reliance on technology and digital systems increases. With the advancement of AI and ML, the amount of data generated and processed is rapidly growing, creating a need for stronger data protection measures. The sensitive nature of this data, which includes customer information, requires businesses to prioritize data privacy and security. Companies must understand the evolving privacy regulations and laws, such as the maturing privacy regulations in Hong Kong, to ensure they remain compliant and maintain customer trust. In the data-driven economy of today, businesses must prioritize data protection and privacy as a key aspect of their operations to ensure success and longevity in the industry.

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2023 年之科技行業發展趨勢 2:增強智能(Augmented Intelligence)
Advancements in Augmented Intelligence

增強智能目標主要為提高人類的績效和決策能力,其用途並不用作取代人類智能。 是一種更符合道德和負責任的人工智能使用方式,增強智能強調人類的控制和判斷,同時利用人工智能技術的優勢。 增強智能用於各種應用,包括客戶服務、醫療診斷和財務分析等。

From Siri to Google Home, augmented intelligence is a familiar presence in everyday life, revolutionizing the way we interact and make use of technology.

The trend of using technology in 2023 is geared towards augmenting human capabilities through the integration of artificial intelligence. Unlike traditional AI, which seeks to replace human intelligence, augmented intelligence aims to enhance it by preserving human control and judgment in decision-making processes. This approach is viewed as a more ethical and responsible way of utilizing AI technology.

In 2023, augmented intelligence is being widely adopted across various industries, including customer service, healthcare, finance, and more. In customer service, AI is being used to automate routine tasks and provide 24/7 support, freeing up human agents to handle more complex inquiries. In healthcare, AI is being utilized for medical diagnosis and treatment planning, helping doctors to make more informed decisions and improve patient outcomes. Similarly, in finance, AI is being utilized for financial analysis and risk assessment, helping investors to make more informed investment decisions.

The potential of augmented intelligence to improve human performance and decision-making capabilities makes it a promising technology for the future. It is expected to play a major role in shaping the technological landscape of 2023 and beyond.

2023 年之科技行業發展趨勢3:no-code/low-code
The Emergence of No-Code/Low-Code Tools

無代碼/低代碼之工具旨在簡化構建和部署機器學習模型的過程,令從未接觸學習編程的人群亦能容易上手。例子有、Google AutoML、DataRobot、Amazon SageMaker 等。無代碼工具通常提供以下功能:

  1. 自動數據清理處理
  2. 構建可視化界面或預構建模板
  3. 集中式平台上管理和監視模型

The trend of using technology is rapidly evolving in 2023, and one notable area of development is the use of no-code/low-code tools in machine learning. These tools aim to simplify the process of building and deploying machine learning models, making it accessible to individuals who may not have a programming background. Examples of popular no-code/low-code tools include, Google AutoML, DataRobot, and Amazon SageMaker.

Unlock the Power of AI with Google Cloud AutoML Vision: Effortlessly Train Accurate ML Models with Just a Few Data Samples

These tools offer capabilities such as automatic data cleansing and processing, the ability to build user-friendly visual interfaces or utilize pre-constructed templates, and central management of deployed models for monitoring and optimization. This shift towards no-code/low-code tools in machine learning reflects the growing demand for more user-friendly and accessible solutions in this field.

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2023 年之科技行業發展趨勢4: 健康及醫療
The Rise of Technology in the Medical Industry

在香港醫療保健和遠程醫療技術的使用正在顯著增長。 以將軍澳醫院為例,率先提供5G醫療服務的公立醫院。 通過在手術過程中結合使用5G、HoloLens設備和混合現實技術,醫生可以獲得更精確的指導,從而提高手術的安全性和成功率。 此外,人工智能正被用於幫助機構處理大量數據,支持醫生做出更好的臨床決策,並提高醫學研究和癌症影像檢查的準確性。

Immersive Experience with Hololens: AI, Machine Learning, and AR Combined for a Transformative Solution Across Industries

The use of technology in healthcare and telemedicine is seeing significant growth in Hong Kong. Tseung Kwan O Hospital, for instance, has taken the lead as the first public hospital to offer 5G medical services. By utilizing a combination of 5G, HoloLens devices and mixed reality technology during surgical procedures, doctors can receive more precise guidance, thereby elevating the safety and success rate of surgeries. Additionally, AI is being employed to help institutions process large amounts of data, support doctors in making better clinical decisions, and enhance accuracy in medical research and cancer imaging examinations.




Written by Xccelerate

Advancing technology by bridging the talent gap. Based in Hong Kong.

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